Zeriol FOXL



Zeriol FOXL chemically reacts with dissolved oxygen and binds with it to prevent corrosion within enclosed spaces. Whether out-of-service pipelines, down-hole spaces or drill mud containments, Zeriol FOXL can cost-effectively treat large volumes of fresh or salt water. Containments should be filled to capacity for maximum protection. (See Zerust representative for advice on head-space protection).

Recommended Product Applications

Recommended applications for Zeriol FOXL include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Down-hole Voids
  • Isolated Pipes and Tanks
  • Out-of-Service Systems


Application Guidelines

For interior, closed system corrosion protection of ferrous substrates (up to 5 years). It can be used at full strength or reduced 10:1 with tap water or water already in the vessel (including sea water). NOTE: Zeriol FOXL will turn protected steel black with a thin layer of sulfate as evidence of oxygen consumed.

Performance may be further enhanced by de-aeration of resident water. Introduce enough Zeriol FOXL to reach concentration of 10 ppm Zeriol FOXL to 1 ppm dissolved oxygen. (Typically, this will be in the range of 10 gals. Zeriol FOXL to 100 gals .of resident water.) For best results, seal system for the entire lay-up period.


Product Description

Zeriol FOXL is a powerful oxygen scavenger in a convenient aqueous solution. It can be used at full concentration or reduced with fresh or salt water to meet individual system needs.

With no ammonium ions, Zeriol FOXL does not support micro- bial growth, however, any additional biocidal treatments should be performed prior to Zeriol FOXL introduction to avoid possible chemical interactions.

Safety & Handling

Product may be harmful to aquatic flora and fauna - do not purge to soil or streams. Administer in well ventilated area and protect eyes and hands with goggles and gloves, respectively. See Safety Data Sheet for further details.


Physical Properties



Zeriol FOXL is available in the following quantities: 55 gallon drums *Special sizes may be available upon request.


Keep from freezing. Store at 50-90° F. Shelf life 36 months, unopened.

Part No. 350-M-00074DR