Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI), also referred to as Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors, have been effectively and safely used to protect valuable parts and equipment for more than 35 years.
What is a Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI)?
VCIs are a variety of chemistry formulations which prevent corrosion of metals. First patented in 1948 by Shell, VCI’s have evolved into a variety of applications from powder and liquid forms, to being infused in plastic, oils and greases, and many other delivery methods. The largest users of VCI in the market today include; the automotive industry, industrial machinery, electronics, parts packaging and many more. Use of VCI in the oil and gas industry has evolved and expanded for more than 15 years.
API TR 655 was published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to provide information detailing the use of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) for protection of the soil-side of tank bottoms from corrosion.
Applications for VCI
VCI’s are used for corrosion protection of metals in static, enclosed environments such as:
- Beneath Tank Floors
- Inside the annulus of Pipe Casings
- Inside Out-of-Service Pipelines
- Enclosures with Spare Parts
- Pipe Segments
- And More
How do VCIs Work?
The nature of the VCI is to volatize from a solid or a liquid, into a gas. The gas or vapor molecule then adsorbs and takes precedence on the surface of the metal in that enclosure, forming a mono-molecular barrier layer. This barrier layer blocks other molecules (i.e.; water and oxygen) from attaching to the steel surface, thereby minimizing the potential for corrosion.
The VCI’s can also neutralize the corrosive effect of water and oxygen. The VCI powder is often mixed with water which acts as the delivery mechanism for the VCI to get to where it is needed.
Corrosion Protection for Hard-To-Reach & See Areas
Corrosion often occurs in areas that aren’t visible or easily accessible making protection difficult. VCIs are able to give corrosion protection for both the visible and hard to see and easily accessible and hard-to-reach areas.
Want More Information on VCIs?
Zerust Integrity Solutions is a world leader in protecting bare metals from corrosion using Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs). VCIs can be used to protect these metal parts from corrosion without the need for greases or painting. Zerust VCIs have been effectively and safely used to protect valuable parts and equipment for more than 35 years. Please contact us if you have any questions about the use of VCIs or if you would like more information regarding our corrosion mitigation solutions for protecting your assets.
Types of Corrosion Inhibitors
Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) aren’t the only Corrosion Inhibitors you will see in the Oil & Gas Industry.